Shop calculator

by Learning dot bd



There are thirteen types of calculators are available in this shop calculator.List of calculators 1. kg and gramsWith it you can get the products price by entering the products weight as kilograms and grams.2. Product price and quantityWith it you can get the products price by entering the products quantity or weight.3. Pounds and ouncesWith it you can get the products price by entering the products weight as pounds and ounces.4. Liters and MillilitersWith it you can get the products price by entering the products weight as liters and milliliters.5. feet and yardWith it you can get the products price by entering the products size as feet and yards.6. Basic calculatorWith it you can calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.7. Profit and lossWith it you can get the products profit and loss percentage by entering the products buying and selling prices.8. Discount With it you can get a discounted price by entering the original price and discount percentage.9. PercentageWith it you can calculate the percentage of any number.10. Sales Tax With it you can get a price by entering the original price and the tax rate.11. Todays sale With it you can know today how much you sold in your shop.12. Cash counterWith it you can count all of the money in your shop.13. Break-even pointWith it you can know your businesss current position.